Review #: 429
Description: Maguey Melate “Madre Cuixe” Ageo Cortez Sanchez
Spirit: Mezcal
Background: This is a mezcal distilled by Ageo Cortez Sanchez made from 9 year old maguey, fermented for 4 days naturally, and 7 days in a sabino wood vat, before distilling in a 1.5 refrescadera. This is batch 2 from January of 2019.
Distillery – Ageo Cortez Sanchez
Bottler – Maguey Melate
Brand – Maguey Melate
Selection – N/A
ABV – 48.6%
Age – Unaged
Nose – Bright and earthy, crips green bell pepper, morning dew, very faint fruit on the back end (raspberry almost?), smells like walking through a garden on a cool morning
Taste – Initially pretty sweet and creamy but tartness starts to creep in; sour patch kids, sour mango, earthy, spring water
Finish – Really tart and sour fruit. Like overripe and fermented mango and lemon. Weird, but interesting and not super off putting but gets you to pucker a little.
Score: 5
Would I buy a bottle? I don’t think so
Thoughts: This is one of the more interesting tasting things I’ve had in a while. I don’t super know how to feel about it. It’s not bad, but I wouldn’t be clamoring to pour this all the time. It’s one of those where I feel like I have to put a lot of effort in to pull notes and try to dissect it. The tart fruit is not something I always get so that was cool to get so with such clarity.