Review #136 – Ciro Barranca Bello “Martajado” 2011

Review #136 – Ciro Barranca Bello “Martajado” 2011

Review #: 136
Description: Ciro Barranca Bello “Martajado” 2011
Spirit: Mezcal

Background: Ciro Barranca Bello “Martajado” 2011, Ahuacuotzintla, Chilapa de Alvarez, Guerrero. Bottled under the Sanzekan label, a celebrated cooperative of Guerrero producers that Ciro belongs to. Agave variety: Agave cupreata, the classic workhorse variety of Guerrero. Harvested and distilled in 2011, then rested in glass until bottling. “Martajado” translates as “hammered” and refers to the fact that this batch was mashed by hand. Fermented in wood, distilled in copper. Lot 4, bottle 96 of 146, 48% alcohol.

Reviews #135 – #140 were done as a tasting set with Eli’s Mezcal Room in NYC. The samples were provided from their collection so some information isn’t fully known. Some were special bottles unavailable commercially. The above information is what was provided after the tasting. Currently there are running online tastings so if you want to learn more about mezcal or you are in NYC when the world returns to normal, check them out!

Distillery – Ciro Barranca Bello

Bottler – Sanzekan

Brand – Martajado

Selection – N/A

ABV – 48%

Age – Unaged

Nose – Mango, papaya, funky, banana, a little sea salt, buttery
Taste – Packed with sweet and ripe berries and tropical fruit.  Mango, pineapple, banana
Finish –  Earthy, minerality, funky all wrapped into one

Score: 8
Would I buy a bottle? Absolutely

Thoughts: My immediate reaction to smelling this was that it reminded me of high ester rum.  So much tropical fruit and funkiness and it carried those throughout the whole experience.  The agave influence definitely comes in with the finish but is so well balanced.  Very different from other mezcal I’ve tried but still very, very delicious.

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