Review #: 291
Description: 1921 Tequila Reposado
Spirit: Tequila
Background: This is a mini bottle of 1921 that my friend gifted me after she went to Mexico and knew I loved getting local spirits. It was purchased around 2015 or 2016. I note because there is very little color to it so I’d have to imagine this batch is closer to the 2 month side of age but I am not certain what batch it is. It looks like it is produced from 100% agave and uses an autoclave. Double distilled after roasted in brick ovens and roller mill extraction. Distilled at Casa Tequilera de Arandas.
Distillery – Casa Tequilera de Arandas
Bottler – Casa Tequilera de Arandas
Brand – 1921
Selection – N/A
ABV – 40%
Age – NAS
Nose – Agave but with a lot of muted fruit, cooked apples, ripe banana, fresh damp soil, sweet oaky, coffee grounds, tart fruit, cheese danish
Taste – Suspiciously creamy vanilla, sweet but light, honey roasted agave, toasted marshmallow
Finish – Little bit of pepper, vanilla, honey, touch of toasted oak, short but crisp and clean
Score: 6
Would I buy a bottle? I think so
Thoughts: This was surprisingly nice. I wasn’t sure about whether it might have additives, but seems like the producer is generally well regarded and it did remind me of Don Fu and similarly, it has some nice complexity for only being 40%. I bet it would be killer with a bit more proof behind it though. It’s light enough on the oak though but enough for sipping or mixing.