Review #: 305
Description: TCRL Trinidad 2001
Spirit: Rum
Background: This LMDW offering comes from Angostura. This is a blend of 2 ex-bourbon casks that were distilled from molasses on a column still and aged for 17 years in Trinidad and then 2 years in Europe before being bottled at cask strength.
Distillery – Angostura
Bottler – La Maison Du Whisky
Brand – Transcontinental Rum Line
Selection – N/A
ABV – 66.8%
Age – 19 Years
Nose – Bright cherry and a touch of menthol (almost like a cough drop), lots of heavy oak, molasses is held in check with tannins, dry pipe tobacco, there’s some faint chocolate in there
Taste – Thick and syrupy, maple, cherry, cinnamon, caramel, ginger snap cookie
Finish – Oh boy, it’s definitely all of 67% alcohol, more cherry cough syrup, tannins, caramel, spicy cinnamon
Score: 7
Would I buy a bottle? No
Thoughts: This was really interesting and tasty, though I think the heat and age hold it back a little. The tannins were strong on the nose and finish but not detrimental, but I can help to think this stuff would have been a bit better maybe around 12 years. The taste and mouthfeel though are absolutely amazing. It’s good rum, but for $130 a bottle, it’s not bad value for what it is but I wouldn’t need it.