Review #: 318
Description: Martell VS
Spirit: Cognac
Background: This is a fairly standard bottling and readily available cognac from Martell. A blend of brandy distilled from Borderies, Petit Champagne, and Grande Champagne, it is aged at least 2 years in French Oak.
Distillery – Various
Bottler – Martell
Brand – Martell
Selection – N/A
ABV – 40%
Age – NAS
Nose – Almost rum at first with some molasses, then a bit of bright grape comes through, green wood, tree bark, water
Taste – Sweet but thin, not distinctively grape but some muted fruit, light brown sugar, imitation vanilla extract, woody, watery
Finish – Molasses, burnt sugar. Seems to get interesting and then a wave of raw wood comes in with bitterness really souring the experience.
Score: 3
Would I buy a bottle? No
Thoughts: This was fine if uninteresting right until the end where the finish just got a little bitter and off-putting. It’s pretty clear this was meant for cocktails which I can see it working alright, but I wouldn’t really care to sip on this.