Review #: 387
Description: Don Fulano Blanco
Spirit: Tequila
Background: The weather has gotten warm so I should probably start hitting up some more agave as I have neglected my ever growing sample pile for a while now. I was a big fan of the Don Fulano aged products that changed my mind on what I thought tequila tasted like from my college days. No additives or funny business here, let’s see how the unaged spirit comes across.
Distillery – Don Fulano
Bottler – Don Fulano
Brand – Don Fulano
Selection – N/A
ABV – 40%
Age – Unaged
Nose – Pretty light. Vegetal, agave, sweet cream, bell pepper, wet earth, clean petrichor
Taste – Sweet earth, cinnamon, vanilla, damp clay, buttercream. Very solid mouth feel for being 40%
Finish – Touch peppery, agave comes in, fresh rain. Not aggressive or long lasting
Score: 5
Would I buy a bottle? Would be a good house cocktail bottle
Thoughts: Still sweet but the lack of barrel is apparent here. Plenty tasty and they really do a great job of getting a lot of feel into 40%. Not super complex but tasty and well worth it to separate from the additive laden bottles you typically see on the shelves.