Review #490 – Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Spiced Rum

Review #490 – Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Spiced Rum

Review #: 490
Description: Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Spiced Rum
Spirit: Rum

Background: In the show, Rum is actually the spirit that the gang actually makes part of their criminal enterprise.  So maybe they were saving this as the good bottle?  Again, no information on where it is coming from or what is in it.  It does say “Product of the British Isles” so there’s that.  It can’t be worse than the whiskey, right? …right? …please…

Distillery – Unknown

Bottler – Sadler’s

Brand – Sadler’s

Selection – N/A

ABV – 40%

Age – NAS

Nose – Smells straight up like the dentist’s office.  That kind of plastic-y sterile smell but with the vague mint of the toothpaste and fluoride that tries to be sweet but just makes it more gross, used motor oil, the fakest of cherry, 
Taste – Sweet and syrupy but in a clearly inorganic way, cola, licorice that turns really medicinal
Finish – A combo of battery acid, burnt sugar, and licorice.  The additives do cover up and alcohol heat

Score: 1
Would I buy a bottle? No

Thoughts: Terrible for completely different reasons.  There is so much licorice in here, and as someone who actually admits they like black licorice, this is just gross.  Sweetness and texture are clearly not from the spirit, and while I know that spices are added, there is no nuance to it.  It more reminds me of a far worse Jagermeister than rum.

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