Review #: 522
Description: Dancing Goat Limousin Rye: r/Bourbon #6380 “Heavy Toast”
Spirit: Rye
Background: 30 for 30: Day 16. Another Dancing Goat rye here. This time, it was finished in heavily toasted barrels. The label says 6 years old, but this was first aged for 6 years and 10 months and then 14 months in the heavy toast cask for a total of 8 years before bottling. 95/5 MGP rye with some solid age and a ridiculous price of $60.
Distillery – MGP
Bottler – Dancing Goat
Brand – Dancing Goat
Selection – r/Bourbon
ABV – 59.2%
Age – 8 Years
Nose – Super herbal with pine, lavender, dried basil, chocolate chip cookie, leather, raisin, toffee. Lots of components but very harmonious
Taste – Toffee, chocolate chip cookie, red apple, raisin, caramel, oak. Sweet yet balanced
Finish – Toast comes through with some charcoal, cocoa, torched marshmallow, but still herbal with rye and basil, still a touch of cookie and caramel, tobacco and leather
Score: 8
Would I buy a bottle? Absolutely
Thoughts: There are tons of distinct notes going on but in such a cohesive way that it’s depth of flavor rather than disjointed. Really like how the toasted finish interacts with the herbal rye. This reminds me of some of the really herbal single casks from Driftless Glen and New Riff but the age really elevates it. Definitely up there with the Belle of Bedford and NBC bottles, but at half the price.