Review #115 – El Destilado Wild Fermented Oaxaca Rum

Review #115 – El Destilado Wild Fermented Oaxaca Rum

Review #: 115
Description: El Destilado Wild Fermented Oaxaca Rum
Spirit: Rum

Background: Here we have a Mexican rum from Oaxaca, typically known for their agave distillate. This was distilled from sugar cane juice that was wild fermented and then distilled. No additives but was bottled at 41.5% ABV. I’m about to embark into the world of agave and though this would be a good way to transition so let’s see what it tastes like. I’ll note the Master Distiller as the distillery as I will for small batch mezcals going forward.

Distillery – Isidoro Krassel Peralta

Bottler – El Destilado

Brand – El Destilado

Selection – N/A

ABV – 41.5%

Age – Unaged

Nose – Green apple, gum drops, grassy and floral, faint caramel
Taste – Tart apple, grassy, sugar cane, vanilla frosting
Finish – Cucumber, pepper, faint heat but it sticks around a bit

Score: 5
Would I buy a bottle? No

Thoughts: This was certainly interesting especially to try a mexcian style rum.  The cane juice is apparent with the grassy and floral notes.  Nothing here is that offensive but nothing super elevates it here.  Cool to try but there are better alternatives.

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  1. Beyond mezcal, bacanora, raicilla, and sotol, I am eager to learn more of other Mexican distillates, though primarily whisky and rum. Could you let me know how you came across this Oaxacan rum? Thank for your attention to this query. Bill

    William Boyd

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