Review #173 – Derrumbes “San Luis Potosi” Lote33

Review #173 – Derrumbes “San Luis Potosi” Lote33

Review #: 173
Description: Derrumbes “San Luis Potosi” Lote33
Spirit: Mezcal

Background: Derrumbes Mezcal is made in San Luis Potosi from wild Salmiana agave. It was crushed in a tahona before being distilled in a copper still by Juan Manuel Perez Juarez.

Reviews 170 – 174 were done as part of a virtual “Mezcal 101” class to offer a decent range of options and styles for decently affordable and available bottles.

Distillery – Juan Manuel Perez Juarez

Bottler – Derrumbes Mezcal

Brand – Derrumbes Mezcal

Selection – N/A

ABV – 43%

Age – Unaged

Nose – Brine, pickle, sharpie, charred poblano peppers
Taste – Sweet and salty, cream cheese, bell pepper, sea water
Finish – Very salty, briny, mineral, the bell pepper turns spicy and a little bitter

Score: 4
Would I buy a bottle? No

Thoughts: This definitely took a turn in the far direction of brine/dill/mineral.  I think it’s pretty well executed, but just a bit too much for my personal taste.  Definitely not gross though.

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