Review #: 304
Description: TCRL Jamaica WP 2015
Spirit: Rum
Background: This LMDW offering comes from Worthy Park in Jamaica. Pot still and aged 3 years on the island before spending 2 more years in Europe, this ex-bourbon aged rum should bring a bit of funk and complexity to the table. Let’s see if it does.
Distillery – Worthy Park
Bottler – La Maison Du Whisky
Brand – Transcontinental Rum Line
Selection – N/A
ABV – 57.18%
Age –5 Years
Nose – Burnt plastic and rubber, papaya, grapefruit, apple. Very fruity at first and a bit more air time brings out coffee beans, caramel
Taste – Gooey caramel, banana, chocolate, vanilla, some stone fruit that I can’t quite pinpoint
Finish – Roasted coffee, burnt sugar, dark chocolate, little bit of funkiness but it’s well balanced and integrated
Score: 7
Would I buy a bottle? Yes
Thoughts: This was a really nice rum. It’s distinctly Jamaican but not going to blow off your face with funk. Bright and fruity on the nose, sweet and rich on the palate, and then roasted on the finish. Really enjoyed sipping on this one. It’s more expensive than say XXX/5, but I think the additional aging separates it enough and around $50 I’d be happy with it.