Review #: 168
Description: Del Maguey Chichicapa
Spirit: Mezcal
Background: A core bottling from Del Maguey, this mezcal is distilled by Faustino Garcia Vasquez from Espadin agave in a copper still. This was provided semi blind (labeled “Get Mezzed Up”) with the contents revealed after sending in my notes.
Distillery – Faustino Garcia Vasquez
Bottler – Del Maguey
Brand – Del Maguey
Selection – N/A
ABV – 48%
Age – Unaged
Nose – Clean, vanilla cream, bell pepper, earthy
Taste – Buttercream frosting, like crisp water (in a good way), some black pepper
Finish – Black pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg, jalapenos, brine, still getting sweet cream coming in too
Guess: No idea except for “mezcal”
Score: 6
Would I buy a bottle? Yes
Thoughts: This was nice and tasty. Feels like just a really good expression of what my mind goes to when I think “mezcal.” I don’t know if it’s because I just finished a walk, but it had this crisp, refreshing water note like when water just tastes so good. I enjoyed this and would be tempted to grab a bottle of it.