Review #: 285
Description: Deep Eddy Ruby Red Grapefruit Flavored Vodka
Spirit: Vodka
Background: Ok, let’s get this straight that I bought this prior to getting serious into spirits and when I was more just looking to drink something I thought tasted good. I had been to Austin for work and new this was well known in the area and the pride Deep Eddy take in being from the area, so figured to get some. Mostly I’d mix with juice but I don’t think I’ve touched this bottle in years, hence the fill level. They say that this is their “10x Distilled Vodka” mixed with real grapefruit juice. The base distillate is corn and color is added. Though it’s flavored so the fact that there are additives is to be expected. It is also under the Heaven Hill portfolio.
Distillery – Deep Eddy
Bottler – Deep Eddy
Brand – Deep Eddy
Selection – N/A
ABV – 35%
Age – Unaged
Nose – Definitely grapefruit. The tartness helps cover up some of the harsh alcohol smell that vodkas tend to have. Sweetness is very apparent. Almost a bit of lemongrass too.
Taste – Sweet, syrupy, tastes like juice. Not overly tart though which I might expect from grapefruit to have some balance. The syrupy feeling though is clearly from additives and not from distillation.
Finish – Oh god. It’s so acrid. Sour, bitter, peppery. Like stomach acid. Nothing about this makes me want to drink any more of it. Please get this taste off my tongue.
Score: 1
Would I buy a bottle? No, I’m not 20 anymore
Thoughts: This just isn’t meant for someone like me (or likely you, if you are finding yourself on a review site). They certainly nail grapefruit, but this is clearly made for someone who wants to mix it with something and probably thinks that all spirits taste bad on the finish anyway. I wasn’t going to knock it too much for the sweetness and straightforward aspect on the palate, but my gosh, the finish is downright disgusting. I can’t even finish this pour. When the back says it’s best to drink it with a mixer, you never have high hopes but still, this was rough.