Review #569 – Probitas

Review #569 – Probitas

Review #: 569
Description: Probitas
Spirit: Rum

Background: This is a blended rum, combining distillate from Foursquare’s column still and Hampden’s pot still.  A cool collaboration and made with the intent on an excellent cocktailing rum, particularly for daiquiris.  I can’t find super definitive info on aging but likely some part of the blend has some very light aging and it does have a slight tinge of color in the bottle.  There are no additives in the blend though.

Distillery – Various

Bottler – Foursquare

Brand – Probitas

Selection – N/A

ABV – 47%

Age – NAS

Nose – Clean and sharp, lemon zest, there’s almost a meaty bacon/savory note to it, there’s a slight funk but not really industrial or harsh, maybe a little like antiseptic (too clean)
Taste – Sweet with white sugar, milk chocolate, candied lemon, vanilla custard, nice mouthfeel
Finish – Sweet cream, lemon turns just slightly more tart, yogurt tang, a touch of Jamaican funk is there but not overpowering at all

Score: 6
Would I buy a bottle? Yes

Thoughts: I know it’s made for cocktailing, but this is simply just a good rum on its own.  I think they integrate the funk of Hampden very well.  It has an interesting nose, a sweet taste, and interesting finish that really curate well to cocktails but a great experience to drink as well.  The 47% really holds up well.  This is a bottle I always want to have on hand.

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