Review #489 – Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Irish Whiskey

Review #489 – Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Irish Whiskey

Review #: 489
Description: Sadler’s Peaky Blinder Irish Whiskey
Spirit: Irish Whiskey

Background: Typically not a fan of products riding the coattails of another medium’s success, but I am a fan of the Peaky Blinder show and also being able to buy a mini bottle of something that might illicit some funny reactions and help calibrate the lower end of the scale.  Basically, all I know about this is that it is Irish Whiskey.  No idea where it was made, what might be in it, or anything else for that matter.  

Distillery – Unknown

Bottler – Sadler’s

Brand – Sadler’s

Selection – N/A

ABV – 40%

Age – NAS

Nose – Cinnamon, bran flakes, moldy grain, dirt, rotting melon, cigarette ash
Taste – Creamed corn, rotting melon, maybe some light honey sweetness
Finish – Burnt bread, expired milk, chalk, stomach acid.  Hot for 40%

Score: 1
Would I buy a bottle?

Thoughts: Might have been good enough for the 20s or 30s and just for downing like the characters do, but I would think even they would have a higher standard.

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